Friday, March 11, 2016

5 reasons star wars the force awakens was better than episode 1

5. FINN Image result for Finn
He made number 5 because he was a likable / loveable character from the first scene that was lacking in episode one and two and three. He has a child like view with a heroes heart just an amazing character unlike Jar jar

4.STORY Image result for the force awakens
The story of this one movie was better than the last 3 Lucas put out. JJ Abrams did something I thought would never happen He gave another generation the star wars experience.

3.NO JAR JAR Image result for anti jar jar binks
nuff said
Image result for darth maulImage result for darth vaderImage result for kylo ren
Ok I liked the idea of Darth maul but we didn't get enough of him to love to hate him the original trilogy gave us the best of the bad Darth Vader all the why to the end that was missing in the other 3 but now we have kylo Ren . Yes I admit I found him a bit whinny for a moment but I also found him to be freaking awesome. I cannot wait to see what he becomes in the movies coming up.

1.Hans and ChewbaccaImage result for hans and chewie
yes I am talking about the original bromance I felt like a child again seeing the two in a new movie and because I am not a spoiler I will leave it there.

Ok now that the list is done there are hundreds of reasons why this movie was better these are just my quick top 5. I hope any of you that read this comment your agrees or disagrees. I would like to know what you think give me your list . The next review will be in a couple of days along with another list of random topic

so I will view you later

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